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Fasting is the well-known practice of abstaining from food and drink for a prescribed period. Depending on the type, some people fast for a certain amount of hours per day while others will go past 24 hours without eating or drinking.

People fast for a variety of reasons, including dietary, religious, or political purposes. Intermittent fasting, for example, is a popular method that people use to lose weight. Meanwhile, followers of Islam practice fasting during Ramadan, with hopes of deepening their spirituality and promoting a selfless and sharing spirit.

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No matter what reasons people have, research has shown repeatedly that fasting does have health benefits, including blood sugar management and heart health enhancement. That is if you do it right. Diving into fasting without the proper preparation or fasting for too long periods can be harmful to your health. It can lead to an increased risk of problems, such as dehydration, fainting, and lack of energy. The last one is an especially troublesome issue for many individuals, who still have to attend to their daily responsibilities while fasting.

However, there are ways you can keep your energy up even when you’re abstaining from food and/or drinks. To start, here are some tips you can keep in mind as you prepare for your next fast.

Ease Into Fasting

When you’re used to eating multiple meals in a day, implementing a sudden change in your eating schedule can give your body a shock. Thus, it’s crucial that you prepare your body for fasting. Accomplish this by slowly limiting the portion of foods and drinks you consume on days (or even weeks) leading up to your fasting date. For example, Muslims can use the Muslim Pro app to check when the next Ramadan is and prepare for their fasts early. In this manner, your body will gradually get used to not consuming as much and allow you to keep your energy up even while you’re fasting.

Stay Hydrated

People acquire 20% to 30% of their daily water intake from their food. When fasting, people often forget this and underestimate the amount of water they need to drink, thus leading to dehydration. Hence, from drinking eight glasses of water every day, people on a fast should aim to drink 8.5 to 13 glasses of water instead.

For you not to forget, keep a bottle of water close to you at all times and replenish it as needed. Meanwhile, if you’re simply lowering your calorie intake for fasting, opt for foods with high water content like watermelons, cucumbers, tomatoes, and strawberries. Additionally, it’s important to stay hydrated, especially during calorie restriction. While drinking water is important, sometimes we may need an extra boost of hydration. This is where IV therapy in Malibu can be a helpful option. it involves the administration of fluids, vitamins, and minerals directly into the bloodstream, providing a quick and effective way to replenish the body’s hydration levels and nutrient stores.

In cases where you abstain from both foods and drinks, make sure to drink plenty when you can. However, keep a close watch on your body for any signs of dehydration, such as headaches and fatigue, so you can address it immediately.

Stay on Top of Nutrition

Fasting does have health benefits, but it should not come at the expense of your health. Even when you’re abstaining from foods and/or drinks, make sure that you’re getting the nutrients your body needs. As such, you can steer clear of the usual signs of food deprivation, including sluggishness and irritability.

To start, opt for whole foods. A rich variety of greens, colourful fruits, legumes, and whole grains fall under this category. Eating these foods is not only healthier but will sustain your body more effectively than sugary foods and drinks.

On that note, avoid eating sugary foods and drinks while you’re fasting or when you break out of it. Sugary products can give you an energy boost for a limited period, but this effect is temporary. After one to two hours, your blood sugar plummets, leading you to feel tired and weak. Add fasting on top of that, and your body may struggle to keep up with the activities for the day.

Lastly, make sure to get enough protein. Eating a lot of protein sources like meats and legumes can keep the hungry feeling at bay. On low-calorie fasting days, they’re a treat to have in ensuring that your energy levels stay up.

Keep Yourself Busy

Boredom is a threat to a successful fast. When you’re bored, your mind is more likely to drift toward food and drinks and make the feeling of hunger more pronounced. Hence, it’s important to keep busy when you’re fasting. Aside from work, you can do other activities that will keep you occupied, such as reading a book, listening to a podcast, or organizing your possessions. For individuals fasting for religious purposes, it’s an excellent time to meditate on the religion’s teachings and strengthen your spirituality. For example, Islam followers can use the Muslim Pro app to access the Qu’ran and its different translations conveniently.

Do Mild Exercises

Some people can stick to their usual exercise regimen while fasting, but that’s not the case for everybody. For people who have just started fasting, doing strenuous tasks can take a significant toll on their bodies. This doesn’t mean, however, that you should lie or sit down all day. Instead, stick to mild exercises that don’t expend a lot of energy, such as walking, stretching, or doing housework.

Indeed, keeping your energy up while fasting isn’t easy for some individuals, but it can easily be addressed. By practising the tips above, you can help ensure a successful fast while accomplishing all the tasks and responsibilities you need to get done within the day.

Easy Travel Recipes

Author Easy Travel Recipes

Easy Travel Recipes provides simple travelling guides and cooking tips for the couple to enhance their honeymoon experiences.

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